Your Moving Day — Schedule Considerations

The date of your household move and the number of items that will be transported by a professional crew should be considered. Review the pointers below to guide you in scheduling your move.

The Date Of The Move

Moving during the week may cost less than moving during the weekend. The time of the month that you are planning on moving could also influence the cost of a move. Some moving companies may handle larger projects on the weekend. This could be due to the fact that more clients have free time during these days.

Before you hire a moving crew, consider the date when you would like to have your household items transported. Contact a few moving companies. Inquire about the date that you have in mind.

Request information about cancellation policies and deposit requirements that each company follows. Use all of the information that you are provided with to guide you in selecting the moving company that offers the best deal.

The Number Of Items

A moving company will have limits concerning how much weight can be placed within a moving vehicle. A well-established moving company may feature a fleet of moving vehicles that are dispatched for various moving jobs. A smaller moving company may feature a limited number of vehicles that are a standard size.

Since a moving company will assign vehicles on a first come first serve basis, you will need to find out if a vehicle that is equipped to transport your household items will be available on the date of your move. The number of items that you need to be transported should be clearly outlined when you hire a moving crew.

The Time Of The Day

If the moving company that you are going to use will need to make multiple trips to transport your possessions, this may influence the time of day that the moving process will commence. Since a moving company will follow a standard schedule when assisting clients with their transport needs, you may need to reserve a time slot at the beginning of the day.

Deciding to have your items moved early in the day will allow the moving crew to pick up each load of your possessions during the normal hours of operation that the moving company follows. Before the scheduled date of the move, contact the moving company to confirm that a moving vehicle will be dispatched to your home at the time that you have requested.

For more information, contact a moving company near you.
